Pics from kodaikanal

My last post featured Sujith & his wife in kodaikanal.This post is a continuation to the previous post which includes the beautiful landscapes of kodaikanal & you will also get to see the other 2 couples who traveled

We reached kodaikanal on friday afternoon and even though the travel was about 6 hours ,we were not tired at all thanks to the excellent roads.
Kodaikanal greeted us with a cool climate & some really beautiful flowers

Friday evening it was time for a ride on the bicycle around the kodaikanal lake & this reminded me about the school times when we all used to have a backpack and water bottle and used to ride bicycle to school.and the best part was that 4 people in this trip had studied in the same school & same class.

The next day started with a visit to pine forest were i got some cool shots of ourselves.

After having some merry time here we left towards a distant lake in kodaikanal. and enroute Rekha & Suhas tried there luck with high jump…

Finally after 30 minutes of high jump and around 20 kms of high range driving we were near a small lake in kodaikanal.The lake though was not very gr8 place to be but then one snap which i got here made this place worth it..

That day evening we visited some more view point in kodaikanal like pillar rock,suicide point etc etc.Thanks to the crowd i didn’t even take my camera out of my back pack.
Finally in the evening we visited a place called coakers walk.This was half a km walk along a hill side which was not much crowded..

After Coakers walk we retired for the day & the next day we were travelling back.Our travel back started with a visit to a water fall in kodaikanal city,but thanks for global warming we were not able to see a single drop of water ,all we got was some pine trees and the below shots.

That marked the end of a beautiful trip & planning of a new one.

6 thoughts on “Pics from kodaikanal

  1. Nice photos…Harish !!! This one is good – and some shots of Suhas & Rekha

    You have some software to do the light settings?

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