Pics from Madurai,Rameswaram & Kanyakumari

Traveled to Madurai,Rameswaram & Kanyakumari last week.Though it was a pilgrimage trip with parents,I managed to click few snaps.I am sharing few of my favorites from the trip here.

We got this sunrise on way to krishnagiri.

A peacock at ramanshree ashram at Tiruvanamallai.

A flower in the ashram

Madurai Meenakshi Temple,Madurai

Thousand pillar hall at Madurai.

Another view

A gopuram from inside of the Meenakshi aman temple.

One of the sculptures on madurai meenaksi temple goupuram

From Madurai we proceeded to rameswaram.

Rameswaram is a island which is connected to the indian subcontienent by The pamban bridge.

Dhanushkodi in Rameswaram was always one of my favourite places.

Dhanushkodi was a flourishing tourist and pilgrimage town before the 1964 cyclone.The entire village was washed away in this cyclone along with a train.

Every time I go there the place seems to haunt me with its broken houses & boats.

The drive to dhanushkodi is always a great experience with a striaght road connecting rameswaram & dhanushkodi which is covered from both sides by sea.

Indian govt had declared dhanushkodi as ghost city & nowadays only a few fishing floks live there.

After rameswaram we proceeded to kanyakumari.
& winded up the trip after visiting trivandrum.

20 thoughts on “Pics from Madurai,Rameswaram & Kanyakumari

  1. Hi Harish… awesome snaps… How can you be so good at photography!!!! How do u take such snaps… amazing talent..

  2. Amazing one buddy … gimme the details of the ghost city .. how to travel there from Bangalore etc .. will visit 😛

  3. Nice pics.Good passion. Did like the “Nagalingam flower” from Ramana maharishi ashram.

  4. Awesome pictures, they are so real and tells a story. Great Job man. I will try to pick up some trick from you on the same. Great Coverage !!!!!!

  5. Awesome pics, the sky ,the boat,nataraja,the train
    The pictures are being taken in proper angle

    “There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs”

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