
Last week i did photo shoot for yet another client of mine.Shooting a baby girl was a completely awesome experience.

Lot of help & support was given by the baby’s parents.They were fantastic & were great hosts.

The Little angel was very cute & after some initial ice breaking session,we both became comfortable with each other.

The baby was so excited in front of the camera..

that she was taking everything on her stride.

After a couple of hours the baby went to sleep.

however after a short nap she came back with full energy…

and posed for us for hours together.

Photo shoot of babies are always fun to do…

& I am thank full to her parents for giving me a chance to shoot her.

After i have started doing baby photo shoots in bangalore,it has given me a nice way to spent time….

during my weekends.I here leave you with the pics and look forward for your valuable inputs.