Butterfly Pics from Bannerghatta National Park

Contd From My Previous Post

After spending a spectacular day at jungle lodges Bannerghatta we returned back on Sunday.While returning we visited the Butterfly park in Bannerghatta National Park.This park is the first one of its kind in the nation.
The environment in this small enclosure has a tropical setting — complete with the humid climate, an artificial waterfall,a narrow walking bridge and host plants and shrubs that attract butterflies.
This small enclosure is the house to some of the most beautiful creatures on the planet.The small two winged wonders called butterflies.
See what i am saying.

I was stupid enough not to note down the names of these beauties ,but i can’t be blamed.My cam shutter was clicking more than i blinked.

We spent over 2 hours in this enclosure watching these beauties & by shear luck spotted butterfly mating as well.

There were a lot of photographers around shooting these beauties and it was fun meeting few of them.

few more shots.

it was so beautiful scene that i was running around the place clicking more & more pics.

All this while there was one person with me who was running behind me holding my heavy tripod & back packs when i was busy shooting,i wonder what i would have done without her in my life.She is the one who recognized my tiny winy interest in photography & then stood along and encouraged me in pursuing it. And this trip also revealed to me her exceptional eye sight, the way she spotted the birds around the national park, put the Olympus binoculars which our guide was carrying to shame (only if i had the lenses which could do justice to her eye sight).A zillion thanks Wify.

At last when i leave you with these images ,i request all to respect wildlife & also to do your little bit to conserve our nature.

Good planets are hard to find–Don’t blow it.

14 thoughts on “Butterfly Pics from Bannerghatta National Park

  1. Well… What can we say of these… They are beyond brilliant and for sure these are some of the most beautiful pics I have seen taken by someone that I know of… Keep going.

  2. superb snaps!!!!!! I liked this line the most “A zillion thanks Wify” . Universal Truth: Behind every successful man there is a woman 🙂

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