Candle light pics.

Last day,it was a boring evening and we decided to pick some candles and do a candle light photo shoot.These are some random pics taken in candle light.Hope you guys like these pics.Shooting in candle light can be challenging sometimes because there can be lot of unnecessary shadows and glare in the frame which one should consciously decide to avoid or include in the final result.and it goes without saying that these were shot with a tripod.

The following pic as you can see is obviously not shot in candle light but then it is a tried and proven technique using long exposure.I gave it a shot along with the candle light shoot.The result is here for you to comment.The results i guess is not that bad.but i wish i had a better back ground to try this out.

17 thoughts on “Candle light pics.

  1. Just thought it was a ghost:-) especially the one who is sitting on the chair(check the grimpse)

    But hey, Dman good innovation!! Keep it up!!

  2. the first two pics r damn good the third one wher babi sitting on chair looks not right but she sitting down is good one

  3. The two Pics are awesome…in third foto Babija sitting position reminds ghost..& illusion.:-)

    one suggestion on second pic, you would have taken with a specs on book also….

    wonderfull photography

  4. Wow nice shooting…. U with your ghost…. J

    Ring one is nice it looks like first half is u and second half is ur hubby… J

  5. the first two pics r damn good the third one wher babi sitting on chair looks not right but she sitting down is good one

  6. Lovely pics 🙂 Babi caught in action 😉 paedichu poyi 😛 Ring & shadow pic is the best of all in this collection!

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